
Power 2 Improv's aim is to keep growing and changing and offering new outlets for people to discover the best in themselves and others and to use it and have fun

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

You cant go wronge by holding on the the golden rules

When it comes down to it, its about you!  what is your game plan for the scene?  do you like to play, like to be in the spot light? Improv is more then just the games and being on stage.   Its also about coping, decision making,  going for the funny, forcing your point or dropping it, being steamrolled, or having your scene partner become so involved in their  physical acting  and taking command of the stage that they don't really need you on stage.   

Now we are taught to control these impulses  so that its a balanced scene. every player has just one golden rule, support your scene partner. Working together with you build a story that is bigger and better then either could build on their own.  The audience will love it and as a player your will have fun!    This is not to say that the above items will not happen we are human, and things happen  not ever scene your in will be Oscar winner.   When these happen what do you do?  do you drop your offer and follow  your partners  idea and plan - not 100%  you will never go wrong as long as you fall back to "yes And"   you can yes and, and hold on to part of your offer or character.  But when  you come up to a partner that is steamrolling and making it their scene and their agenda. The number one rule is  kill them! find a reason to kill them. right there in the middle of the stage.  sounds easy!  know make it bold! and follow threw with a reason for the killing them.  Every story needs an ending and every ending doesn't have to end happily every after.  some really good scenes have ended on a players death bed! Remember that is your stage too.  that is where you play! where you have joy and discovery  don't let anyone take that from you. hold tight to the core rules of improv and have fun!

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